Literacy Narrative Reflection

Sabrina Mena

Ms. Killebrew


September 16, 2018


That same afternoon after the assignment was given to me, I began writing my literacy narrative on the two images we spoke about in class. I immediately began to think about how I was going to organize my ideas into this essay. I came up with a clear outline of my ideas and began to type it at around six in the afternoon. I sat on my small dining room table, going back and forth, looking at the images and then going back to my essay. As I looked at the images, I thought about everything they made me feel and all the ideas that came to mind. I realized that I was struggling a little bit in completing my introduction, but as I concentrated on what I was writing I started to come up with what I wanted to talk about.

After finally completing my introduction, I moved on to my second paragraph, where I decided to write about the first image we talked about in class “The Problem We All Live With” by Norman Rockwell. I decided to organize my thoughts and feelings about the image before commencing to write the paragraph. I was a bit unfocused because it was beginning to be a little late and because of this, it was difficult to gather the ideas I wanted to talk about in this paragraph. I was able to recollect my thoughts after a while and began writing about what the image symbolized to me and its importance. After that I spoke about the feelings the image evoked when looking at it. I struggled a lot when writing this paragraph in describing the emotions this image brought up in me. When I re-read my paragraph, I decided to add a few more ideas to be more descriptive.

When moving on to my third paragraph I decided to consider the ideas I wrote about in my second paragraph and attempted to provide a more in-depth explanation. In this paragraph, I wrote about the second image, the political cartoon of Education Secretary Betsy Devos and wrote about the emotions it also evoked when looking at it. I also decided to compare the two images in this paragraph and point out the differences in the significance of both these images. Although I had decided to go more in-depth when beginning to write this paragraph, I lost my ideas halfway into writing and could not think about what I had planned to write before. Overall, I think I struggled with being descriptive when writing about both images and I also struggled with making outside connections at that moment.

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